Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Interview Transcription

For the interview I went with my sister to answer the following questions on the California Budget Cuts Crisis. She is a "District Team Leader" for the company Boots, a skin care retailer.

Jed: How do you feel about the California budget crisis?
Jenna: It is a prime example for new ideas to establish change.

Jed: What is the worst part of the budget cuts?
Jenna: The cuts to education, because the children who are already suffering are going to lose even more.

Jed: What are some better ideas rather than cuts?
Jenna: We must reorganize structure, downsize, or consolidate to create a more economical change.

Jed: How are the cuts hurting you in your business field?
Jenna: Tighter budgets, less travel, cost preventive solutions.

Jed: How has business been?
Jenna: Not bad actually, because consumers are looking for a more affordable alternative, rather than spending money on high end products.

Jed: So you're business is actually thriving form the depression in a sense
Jenna: No, not really, we are stable, it just opens up for new consumer market.

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